Irresistible services and treatments in Castelldefels
Explore our wide range of services and treatments in Castelldefels, designed to improve your health and well-being with personalized solutions that adapt to each need.
Personal training
We have a well-stocked training room led by professionals in fitness areas available to guide you towards a healthier lifestyle. With a personal trainer and training routines specially designed for you, you will discover that you can achieve your goals.
We have put this concept into practice, conducting a study that combines a person's physical condition and habits, and thus improves their health. In addition to our nutritional services and treatments, you can also enjoy our fruit and vegetable smoothies, and protein shakes.
Radiofrequency technology in our INDIBA sessions has been proven for over 30 years to be ideal for cell regeneration, both in aesthetic and therapeutic treatments, in a non-invasive and painless way. Achieve more effective results by combining Indiba with other services and treatments, such as massages, wood therapy, pressotherapy, etc.
New pain therapy! Osteopathy is a safe, non-invasive and effective alternative for pain relief and other symptoms of inflammation and other pathologies. It is notable among our services and treatments, along with physiotherapy, for offering an analysis of the body and organism as a whole, whether to treat localized or general discomfort.
We have specialists in therapeutic massages, who will help you relieve pain, tension and inflammation to improve your quality of life. As with all our services and treatments, we adapt the massages to each person and situation, with greater or lesser intensity for relaxing massages or muscle release, craniofacial or reflexology, even combined with other therapies for better results.
Un lloc magnífic , molt net i el personal molt amable. Alba una profesional meravellosa, te molt de tacte i cura a l'hora de treballar. D'ara en davant sens dubte la meva fisio de capçalera. Moltes gràcies ❤️ Paula Fm20/09/2022 El centro muy guapo, así rollo natural y zen. Pero lo mejor, Alba. Una pasada como fisio y mejor persona. Xavier Martin19/09/2022 Laia Rovira24/07/2022 Excelente fin de semana con mi primer ayuno (no sera el ultimo) Una experiencia muy positiva para cambiar habitos de vida y empezar en buena forma. Gracias a los buenos profesionales, David y Edgar y todo el equimo Encarna Lopez09/05/2022 Los mejores profesionales. Los tratamientos de indiba son buenísimos y gracias al programa de ayuno he conseguido cambiar mis hábitos de alimentación. Estoy muy agradecida. Lo recomiendo 100% Makamen Burgos30/03/2022 Montse Fabo15/03/2022 Espectacular fin de semana!!!! Vuelvo a repetir seguro!!!! Eli Clusella14/02/2022 Una experiencia única y muy recomendable Gracias por todo chicos ❤️ Marta antón14/02/2022 Después de realizar un ayuno de tres días, en un ambiente inmejorable, sólo puedo agradecer el buen trabajo realizado por un gran equipo!!! Gracias!!! Yolanda Ramos05/01/2022 Todavía estoy euforica de los 3 días pasados en Pure Corpore experimentando por primera vez un ayuno prolongado y aprendiendo un montón de cosas sobre mi cuerpo, la nutrición y muchas cosas interesantes. Además de servirme de desconexión total, haciendo yoga, meditación, caminatas. David y Edgar y todo su equipo, dan todo de si para que nos sintamos como en casa. Muchas gracias a todos. Isabel Rubio15/11/2021La evaluación general en Google es 4.9 de 5, en base a 56 reseñas
Services and Treatments in Castelldefels
Discover how a physical training plan, therapies and nutrition can transform your health and well-being with our services and treatments, with in-person and online services, and a variety of personalized 100% treatments.